Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Fifth Gospel

Without a foundation, without a real study of the Word of God, the Church will never mature as Christ wanted us to.

Paul said he delivered to the Roman Christians a system of truth (ROM 6). Who better to lay out truths about our redemption than this zealous Jew turned Christian on the way to Damascus (ACTS 9). So revolutionary was his conversion and subsequent revelations that he took what Christ gave him and called it "My Gospel" (ROM 2, ROM 16, 2 TIM 2)!
He not only taught this everywhere he went, but in his writings he addressed the new Christians on those truths they were not following. Every church had its own identity and its own problems, but like a puzzle we can glean from Paul's writings in this 5th gospel.
The first 4 gospels mainly showed us Jesus earthly life and ministry, yes even His sacrificial death on Calvary. (Ministry yes! Because ministry really means service.) Jesus ministry was first and foremost was to His Father.
He came to reveal who His Father was and how much He loves each of us. And the religious leaders wanted to kill Him for this.
He came to train up His disciples, His understudies, to take center stage when He left to prepare our home in heaven for us.
He taught us about relationships--with the Father & with each other. How we are to live!!!
And He was preparing Himself for the ultimate sacrifice--the Lamb of God, taking our place on the sinner's cross. And opening the door into the Holy of Holies.
This 5th Gospel took in the whole panorama of our redemption. Explaining what was happening behind the scenes of this physical state of existence. Paul escorted us into the mind and will of God, showing our tri-partite nature and revealing that long hidden secret...Christ In You, The Hope Of Glory!!! (COL 1)
How did we get there? How did we come from being of the very nature of the devil and now having the very life and nature of God Almighty bursting in abundance in our new man. (EPH 2)
Paul goes as far as to guide us with the Holy Spirit's help to know and fulfill Jesus' ministry on this earth. Ambassadors for Christ. In union with the Master. Co-crucified with Him. Sharing & partaking of His life in this mortal body. Co-laborers with the Lord.(2 COR 5, GAL 2, 1 COR 1, 2 COR 6)
Even the Apostle Peter condoned Paul's ministry by declaring that Paul's words were hard to understand but nevertheless they were scriptural.  (2 PET 3)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Check out this great blog by Mark Hankins...

The secret of the divine life is to learn how to live in the spirit realm, how to have one's lamp filled with the oil of heaven, and to keep one's spirit fit so that no disease can break in upon it.   -- EW Kenyon

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

2012 has been toooo long!
My daughter inspires me to do this blog.
She writes her blog and I think "I should update mine..."
My problem is I'm lazy...
I like to write with pen & ink, and I think it's good
but then transferring it to this blog is where I lose it.
, type (which is not mine forte), etc...
So maybe this year I'll keep up with this more, more than...
This is a year of divine expectation...2012!

God is on the move.
All the religions of the world recognize that something is stirring.
Prayers are going up all around the world for God to intervene in this world's problems.
Confidence in the governments of this world is at an all time low.

Why? Because they cannot fix the problems society has been facing this last 10 years.
9-11 shifted society's outlook on life and government leaders have been desperately trying to define that collective personality.

For years they have been blowing their own horn --
that they can fix everything --
that they have all the answers.
And now they are failing.
Calamities and crises have toppled this house of cards.
And they still say they can fix it. ("Give us more money!")

Now What!!!
Who do we turn to for help, for answers...