What can I say...It has been way too long. Many challenges along the way, but...
What is most important to you in this life? HEALTH. FINANCES. (including a job or a better job). A HAPPY MARRIAGE.
What about the world around us? OUR RELATIONSHIPS with co-workers or neighbors and friends. How about the GOVERNMENT? And the other nations... not just politics (religion is political in some countries), but also natural
There is a lot going on in 2011 to be stressed out about. If you've noticed, its been building up like a crescendo over the past decade or so. Its like a plumbing leak under the foundation of a Texas house. You only notice the signs -- too much water usage, or water leaking up through the floor.
Something big is building under the surface and its fixing to spill forth.
The signs of the times. Jesus prophesied and taught about it. "In the last days..." (MT 24).
So we're here, now, in the middle of it. Like it or not. What do we do now? We humans do not like our boat being rocked. We don't like change -- especially extreme change.
We have to hold onto HOPE. The anchor of our soul (HEB 6:19). You see, these things, these circumstances will play havoc on your mind. It will get so bad, Jesus said some men's hearts will quit because of FEAR (LK 21:26). ("FEAR has torment (1 JN 4:18).") What did Jesus always say, "DON'T BE AFRAID!" The angels too would show up un-announced saying "DON'T BE AFRAID!"
We Christians have a HOPE for a better life. This world is not my home... but we are looking for that heavenly city (HEB 11:16), our eternal home. Jesus promised... "I go to prepare a place for you (JN 14:2-3)." GREAT! My mansion awaits me. Paul says ""These light afflictions..." are nothing compared to our eternal destiny with God. (2 COR 4:17)
What about those without HOPE? (EPH 2:12) We are to be the light in the dark place (MT 5:14-16). We can show how great our God is (1 PET 2:9). Our Christian life/experience is based on God's promises to us in the Bible. WORDS! Words of faith & hope & love... Those words are covenant promises that cannot be broken and cannot go unfulfilled (IS 55:11). We accept these promises as truth, we believe them. We receive and act on them, agreeing with God -- YES! AMEN! (2 COR 1:20)
This HOPE is now our faith substance (HEB 11:1). We believe and therefore speak (2 COR 4:13)...Uttering that hope found on the promise of God.
PEACE of mind. There are scriptural promises for it. HEALTH & HEALING. Likewise. FINANCIAL PROVISIONS. ibid. In any area of life, there is a promise for you. A good concordance will show you where it is. Or ask someone! (Or my favorite...GOOGLE it!!!)