excerpt from "The Pathway To Miracles: Spending Time With The Lord"
written by Gary Oates with Robert Paul Lamb
"The heart of God is for intimacy with His children...James 4:8
"The presence of god is available to every believer...John 14:21
"What is the most pressing need in your life today? Are you sick in your body? Are you in need of a miracle from God? I have discovered that a lot of times people are seeking God for an experience, for more power, or even for a gift to minister.
"Our first priority is to daily seek the manifest presence of God! We must learn to come quietly into His presence just wanting more of Him in our lives. We need to 'soak in His presence', extracting more of His fullness into those places where we are barren. The cumulative effect of spending time with the Lord will produce an increased anointing of healing for yourself and others."