Friday, December 03, 2010

Dig In Deeper

in football you take your stance...

whether you are on offense or defense;

you line up against your enemy;

you position yourself firmly;

then you set your feet;

you dig your cleats in a little deeper;

to get a good foothold;

to gain better traction...

So in life when you hear the Holy Spirit say "Dig In Deeper"...

He wants you to ready yourself for the challenge...

Your feet are shod with the shoes of the gospel of peace...

Dig into the word, confess who you are and what Jesus has done for you,

Spend more KOINONIA time with the Lord...

EPH 6:13-14...and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, ...

Sunday, November 28, 2010


I love this time of year-- the HOLIDAYS!

Here in Texas, it is a time of change. Nature kicks into high gear and catches us up into Autumn with the rest of the nation.

But to me, it is especially a time to reflect on the holidays. At the same time, it can be a bit depressing, because I know that as quickly as it all comes, it will soon be over. Then the cycle begins again. Life kicks in again...I mean the rat race of work, taxes, yard work, etc.

But the holidays, as I said, are when families and friends get-together -- not like any other time of the year. It's like people save themselves for the get-togethers just as they save their money for the Christmas gifts each year. Or is it tradition that everyone must attend church at Christmas & Easter? Likewise is it tradition to attend the get-togethers?

For a few short weeks it is like heaven on earth -- peace and good will to all.
Even the TV and movies at this time of year portray lives changed because someone special intervenes in another's life, making a change for the better.

The idea I am getting to is the need to stretch this 6-7 week time period into the full 52 weeks of life here on earth.

Not to keep it winter all year as the Narnian witch did -- never allowing the seasons to change. Because God set the seasons in motion painting a picture of redemption for all mankind to see His grace, mercy and love. (ROM 1:20) Just as He painted the stellar constellations in the night sky to tell His story over and over again -- to a people who have forgotten how to read it.

God has set up His feasts in the Jewish religion/culture to tell of His redemptive story.

And the Catholic/Christian church has set up it's holydays also throughout the year to remind us of His story.

God's handwriting is all around us. Don't get so caught up in everyday life and miss the story unfolding around us again this year.

I remember growing up as a catholic boy anticipating the next holiday/holyday, not realizing the story behind it all.

May God help us to open our eyes and see and share His grace, mercy and love this season and always.

Sunday, August 01, 2010


Hosea 10:12 (TODAY'S ENGLISH VERSION) -- "Plow new ground for yourselves [MOFFAT's = break up your fallow ground, by seeking knowledge of the Eternal...], plant righteousness and reap the blessings that your devotion to Me will produce. It is time for you to turn to Me , your Lord, and I will come and pour out blessings upon you."

Matthew 11:28-30 (JOHNSON) -- "Come into fellowship with Me if you are tired and burdened and I will refresh and release you. Take the burden of responsibility I give you and thereby discover your life and your destiny. I am gentle and humble. I am willing to relate to you and to permit you to learn at your own rate. Then in fellowship with Me, you will discover the meaning of your life. My fellowship will release you, and My companionship will direct you on your journey."

We are on a journey...we really are. This earth is not our home. Eternity is where we are headed. but it has 2 addresses: 777 Pearly Gate Drive or 666 Lake of Fire Road. Which one you end up at is your decision. But we have to follow the Creator's rules.

Friday, July 23, 2010


excerpt from "The Pathway To Miracles: Spending Time With The Lord"
written by Gary Oates with Robert Paul Lamb

"The heart of God is for intimacy with His children...James 4:8
"The presence of god is available to every believer...John 14:21
"What is the most pressing need in your life today? Are you sick in your body? Are you in need of a miracle from God? I have discovered that a lot of times people are seeking God for an experience, for more power, or even for a gift to minister.
"Our first priority is to daily seek the manifest presence of God! We must learn to come quietly into His presence just wanting more of Him in our lives. We need to 'soak in His presence', extracting more of His fullness into those places where we are barren. The cumulative effect of spending time with the Lord will produce an increased anointing of healing for yourself and others."

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Your effectiveness as a Christian, as a child of God, depends entirely on your relationship, your fellowship with Him!

Are you seeking His presence in your life as David did in PS 27???
Is He all you need in life???
Is He your gold & silver & precious treasure (JOB 22)???
Is He your strong tower & fortress (PS 18)???
Is He your buckler & shield (PS 91)???
Your total trust & confidence???
Your LIFE??? (DEUT 30)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Good Reading at "Path2Prayer"

Reading a lot lately on past revivals and noted (and unknown) revivalists/evangelists...
and reading more on the end times, holiness and committment/surrendering all to the Lord...

Here's a quote I read today:
“The reason why many fail in battle is because they wait until the hour of battle. The reason why others succeed is because they have gained their victory on their knees long before the battle came.... Anticipate your battles; fight them on your knees before temptation comes, and you will always have victory.” - R. A. Torrey