God's call upon our lives seems minimal at first, but the truth is He has invited us to participate in a whole new world of existence. A world that is foreign to us.
Although we were originally created to live in His world, Adam had secured our exile from that, by his sin in Eden. But only through Jesus Christ and His sacrifice at Calvary has the door been opened for us to once again enter into God's realm.
And it is a huge world. A universe beyond our imaginations. It is full of the very life of God Himself. There is love beyond understanding, God's very own love - unconditional and free.
There is peace, and joy. God's faithfulness fills every nook & cranny.
The angel Gabriel told Mary that with God nothing shall be impossible. And later, Jesus said that all things are possible...
And in God's world, everything is in opposition to this world...an anti-world if you please.
Victory on every level is possible here in God's realm. All that is required of us, is obedience and trust.